Northland Watercolour Sketchbook Ebook

Why is it that even though artists are constantly striving to capture the spontaneity of their rough sketch in their finished work they always hide their rough sketches away?

For some reason, many artists find it embarrassing to show people something that’s less than perfect

Personally, I always find it fascinating to look at rough sketches. The failures, the partial successes and the kernels that led to the finished idea.

So I’d like to invite you to take a look inside my personal sketchbook.

Northland watercolour sketchbook is a downloadable Ebook containing my favourite personal watercolour sketches from the last two years.

It’s available for purchase and instant download for $4.99.

Northland watercolour sketchbook is full of my personal colour notes, compositional sketches and technical notes.

Northland watercolour sketchbook

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